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    2023 年 10 月高等教育自學考試基礎英語試題

    課程代碼 :00088


      1. 請考生按規定用筆將所有試題的答案涂、寫在答題紙上。

      2. 答題前 ,考生務必將自己的考試課程名稱、姓名、準考證號用黑色字跡的簽字筆或鋼筆 填寫在答題紙規定的位置上。


      注意事項 :

      每小題選出答案后 ,用 2B 鉛筆把答題紙上對應題目的答案標號涂黑 。如需改動 ,用橡皮 擦干凈后 ,再選涂其他答案標號 。不能答在試題卷上。

      一、詞匯應用和語法結構 :本大題共 30 小題 ,每小題 1 分 ,共 30 分。

      ( 一) 詞匯應用(15 分)

      選擇最佳答案完成句子 ,請將其選出并將答題卡( 紙) 的相應代碼涂黑。錯涂、多涂或未涂均


      1. The of applying to a college is often time-consuming.

      A. period B. process C. profit D. package

      2. The gaming system is superior in speed other products in the market.

      A. of B. for C. to D. from

      3. The report suggested that the same trend was in politics.

      A. at work B. in use C. on guard D. for sale

      4. In the course of globalization , cultures together.

      A. exchange B. yield C. merge D. assort

      5. Math could help people make more , thought-out decisions.

      A. absurd B. rational C. vulnerable D. emotional

      6. Low level to the chemical is unlikely to cause harm.

      A. exposure B. entity C. error D. environment

      7. It would be best to deal with these issues at once before a crisis .

      A. appeals B. applies C. affects D. arises

      8. The company had to free lunches in order to save money.

      A. run away from B. get along with C. do away with D. make up for

      00088# 基礎英語試題 第 1 頁( 共 8 頁)

      9. The relations between the two countries were to normal.

      A. restored B. regained C. related D. removed

      10. The railroad was used to transport crude oil to the coast.

      A. apparently B. densely C. primarily D. automatically

      11. Those skinny jeans went out of years ago.

      A. fashion B. design C. occasion D. reach

      12. Teenagers are more likely to crimes together than alone.

      A. compete B. commit C. create D. concern

      13. Some people are to jump to hasty conclusions.

      A. inclined B. exposed C. confined D. admitted

      14. It is clear that the majority of the population for peace.

      A. pursues B. depends C. engages D. yearns

      15. The spread of the virus has created a ( n ) of problems.

      A. amount B. flock C. host D. shortage

      ( 二) 語法結構(15 分)


      16. Fear is useful emotion to keep us on guard.

      A. an; the B. a; / C. the; / D. a; a

      17. Chinese people will have a holiday during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

      A. three-day B. three-days C. three days D. three day,s

      18. If it had rained yesterday , the soccer game indoors.

      A. was held B. would be held

      C. had been held D. would have been held

      19. She would learn something new each time she went there.

      A. when B. / C. that D. during

      20. I saw two movies last week : one is about war and is about family.

      A. other B. another C. the other D. others

      21. They provide many services we benefit every day.

      A. which B. that C. from which D. to which

      22. The Arctic is warming the world as a whole.

      A. as three times fast as B. three times as fast as

      C. as fast as three times D. as fast three times as

      00088# 基礎英語試題 第 2 頁( 共 8 頁)

      23. Jenny the house yet because her car is still outside.

      A. may have left B. should have left

      C. mustn,t have left D. can,t have left

      24. Only after a talk with her husband to buy a car.

      A. she did decide B. did she decide

      C. she decided D. was she deciding

      25. I you when I was interrupted by the phone ringing.

      A. am emailing B. will email

      C. was going to email D. emailed

      26. happens in the next few hours , don,t be afraid.

      A. Anything B. What C. Whatever D. No matter

      27. He lost his sight a year ago and is still not used to differently.

      A. treat B. be treated C. treating D. being treated

      28. Obviously your elder brother is too clever your trick.

      A. to know B. not to know

      C. so as to know D. in order to know

      29. I saw him along the river when I drove home from work.

      A. walking B. to walk C. walk D. having walked

      30. We took it for granted she would come to our wedding.

      A. that B. whether C. if D. when

      二、判斷選擇 :本大題共 10 小題 ,每小題 1 分 ,共 10 分。

      下面句子中有 A ,B ,C ,D 四個劃底線部分 ,其中有一個是錯誤的 ,無需改正 ,將其選出并將

      答題卡( 紙) 的相應代碼涂黑。錯涂、多涂或未涂均無分。

      31. It is higher interest on loanswhich has affected the cost of a new home.

      A B C D

      32. New Jersey has been the most densely populating state for years.

      A B C D

      33. In ancient times , the route connecting China with Europe was known for“ the silk road”.

      A B C D

      34. The device will reduce the time spend on packaging so as to improve its efficiency.

      A B C D

      35. A certain number of money is needed for everyday expenses such as food.

      A B C D

      36. Emma enjoys riding a bike under the sunshine on a warm spring morning.

      A B C D

      00088# 基礎英語試題 第 3 頁( 共 8 頁)

      37. The app is designed to keep its users informed when the latest news are released.

      A B C D

      38. You may be able to apply to money from your university , or in some other way.

      A B C D

      39. A traveler will probably have no trouble get around with a bus stop around the corner.

      A B C D

      40. He met a young nice French social worker on a train leaving Paris.

      A B C D

      三、完型填空 :本大題共 15 小題 ,每小題 1 分 ,共 15 分。

      選擇最佳答案完成句子 ,請將其選出并將答題卡( 紙) 的相應代碼涂黑。錯涂、多涂或未涂


      By recycling , people can reduce waste , save energy , and protect the world,s natural resources. Building construction can recycle in many different ways. Instead of 41 an old building , they make changes to it so that people can use it for a new 42 . Old factories are sometimes made into apartment buildings or office buildings. An old railroad station might be the 43 place for a

      shopping mall. A greenhouse 44 make a fantastic , fashionable cafe.

      45 car tires and food or drink cans are good building materials , too. But this is not a new idea. In the 1970s , American 46 Mike Reynolds started designing buildings known as earthships. They are made mostly 47 tires filled with earth , and they use only natural energy like the sun. They are cheap and easy to build , 48 has made them popular and helpful in

      poorer countries around the world.

      It isn,t just designers who have good ideas for 49 . Joann Ussery , a hair stylist , lost her house in an ice storm. She had a relative who worked with airplanes. 50 they decided to recycle one of the old planes into a new house. 51 , the price of a new house at that time was $ 150 ,000. Joann spent $ 2 ,000 to buy the plane , $ 4 ,000 to 52 it to her land , and about $ 24 ,000 to make it into a house. She kept the windows and the original bathroom but changed

      other parts so that her new home would be more comfortable. Unusual , cheap , and green !

      Building materials , too , can be recycled. 53 a building is destroyed , whole pieces—like doors and windows—can be repaired , repainted , and reused in new buildings. Natural resources like stone , 54 , or wood can be taken from the walls , floors , or roof of the building. Even the

      glass , and plastic people use in their everyday lives can be used in 55 design.

      41. A. destroying B. clashing C. establishing D. designing

      42. A. approach B. method C. purpose D. goal

      43. A. interesting B. beautiful C. remote D. perfect

      00088# 基礎英語試題 第 4 頁( 共 8 頁)

      44. A. can B. could C. should D. must

      45. A. Using B. To use C. Used D. Useful

      46. A. engineer B. designer C. artist D. stylist

      47. A. from B. of C. up D. into

      48. A. which B. that C. what D. for which

      49. A. removing B. reserving C. replacing D. recycling

      50. A. Along B. Instead C. Indeed D. Together

      51. A. On the contrary B. On the whole C. On average D. On the other hand

      52. A. transport B. transmit C. transform D. transplant

      53. A. Even if B. Unless C. Only if D. If only

      54. A. metal B. furniture C. appliance D. decoration

      55. A. impressive B. daily C. green D. basic

      四、閱讀理解 :本大題共 10 小題 ,每小題 2 分 ,共 20 分。

      本部分有兩篇短文 ,每篇短文后有五個問題 ,每個問題有四個選項 ,請選擇一個最佳答案 ,

      將其選出并將答題卡( 紙) 的相應代碼涂黑。錯涂、多涂或未涂均無分。

      Passage 1

      Let,s take a ride on the tallest roller coaster on Earth. The ride starts like a rocket launch. You are going 128 miles per hour. Your heart pounds. You fly up a tower as tall as a skyscraper. Then you,re going down. It feels like it,s going to fly off the tracks ! And then the ride is over. You catch

      your breath and then realize: that ride is fun !

      Today,s rides in the U. S. date back to the late 1800s. They started in Mauch Chunk , Pennsylvania. A train brought coal down a mountain. Part of the trip was a big drop. The train would go 65 miles per hour. That,s as fast as a car on the highway today. In 1870 , the railroad,s owners turned it into a fun ride. Back then , most Americans traveled by horse. Imagine the thrill of moving forward at more than four times that speed! The earliest roller coaster opened in 1884. It was

      on Coney Island in New York City.

      Riding an early coaster could be a little too thrilling. People often threw up. Some riders

      passed out. Hundreds died in horrible accidents. Technology has made today,s roller coasters much

      safer. Special tools are used to see how much twisting and turning humans can take. On a roller

      coaster , your heart should pound with excitement and fear , but not for long. Your face should twist

      with terror , but then turn into a grin. The goal is a balance between fear and fun. So a park might

      hire a man named Brendan Walker. He will ride a new coaster while wearing a special device. That

      00088# 基礎英語試題 第 5 頁( 共 8 頁)

      will monitor how fast his heart is beating and whether he is sweating. The data helps parks make

      sure their rides are not too scary or too dull.

      56. The roller coaster originated from .

      A. a fly above a skyscraper

      B. a horse ride on Coney Island

      C. a car ride on the highway

      D. a coal train,s trip down a mountain

      57. At what speed would the roller coaster go in 1870?

      A. 128 miles per hour. B. 65 miles per hour.

      C. 16 miles per hour. D. 260 miles per hour.

      58. Who is Brendan Walker?

      A. The designer of the first roller coaster.

      B. The owner of the first roller coaster.

      C. The engineer who takes experimental rides.

      D. The technician who repairs roller coasters.

      59. In paragraph 3 , the underlined word“ grin ”means .

      A. scream B. cry C. smile D. fear

      60. Which of the following statements is NOT the technology improvement in roller coasters?

      A. The roller coaster is much faster than before.

      B. People can be on a virtual reality roller coaster.

      C. Technology ensures safety in a thrilling ride.

      D. Data can provide a balanced experience of terror and joy.

      Passage 2

      One of the coolest things about the sport of running is that you don,t need expensive equipment. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a safe environment. But just because you don,t need much equipment , don,t be fooled into thinking the sport of running is easy. No one wakes up and decides to run a marathon without training. Running requires discipline , perseverance , and

      concentration. It,s a sport that,s good for your body and mind.

      Running strengthens your heart , lungs ,and muscles. It develops coordination and makes you more aware of your body. Running also gives you energy by increasing your oxygen intake , and it improves your immune system( 免疫系統)so you don,t get sick as easily. It can even help you stay

      more focused in school because exercise helps you to think more clearly.

      00088# 基礎英語試題 第 6 頁( 共 8 頁)

      How do you get involved in the sport if you don

      t know much about it? Most schools offer cross country and track programs , but there are also running clubs open to all ages. A simple internet search can help you find some in your area. The programs show you how running can offer competition or just be for fun. They also teach runners to set realistic goals and take care of their


      Runners have great respect for each other because they know how difficult the sport can be. If you go to a race , you


      ll see people cheering for all the runners , from the first to the last. Running isn

      t always about how fast you are or how far you are going. It

      s about getting out there nd doing it. Participation is more important than competition , and effort is recognized over talent. If you


      looking for more than just a sport , running may be the perfect choice for you.

      61. What is the autho

      s attitude toward running?

      A. supportive B. neutral C. critical D. skeptical

      62. Which of the following statements is NOT the benefit for body?

      A. It improves concentration on studies.

      B. It helps in weight loss.

      C. It helps protecting the body from diseases.

      D. It strengthens the breathing organs.

      63. According paragraph 1 , all the following factors contribute to the popularity of running except

      A. Being convenient B. Being cheap

      C. Being in a safe place D. Being disciplinary

      64. In paragraph 2 , the underlined expression“ coordination ”means .

      A. ability to move your body more skillfully

      B. ability to think more clearly

      C. ability to get along well with others

      D. ability to increase oxygen intake

      65. Running is good for mind because .

      A. it builds up people

      s confidence

      B. it develops the sense of competition

      C. it encourages people to give support to others

      D. it relieves working pressure

      00088# 基礎英語試題 第 7 頁( 共 8 頁)


      注意事項 :

      用黑色字跡的簽字筆或鋼筆將答案寫在答題紙上 ,不能答在試題卷上。

      五、單詞或短語的英漢互譯 :本大題共 10 小題 ,每小題 1 分 ,共 10 分。

      ( 一) 將下列詞語譯成中文(5 分)

      66. medical device

      67. retained profits

      68. society at large

      69. technology inflow

      70. economies of scale

      ( 二) 將下列詞語譯成英文(5 分)

      71. 生活方式

      72. 計劃經濟

      73. 警告信號

      74. 原材料

      75. 零售貿易

      六、英漢句子互譯 :本大題共 4 小題 ,共 15 分。

      ( 一) 將下列句子譯成中文(8 分)

      76. When primitive people began to wear clothing regularly , they had to make it from the materials

      at hand. (4 分)

      77. The answer , as one might expect , is very complicated and is subject to much disagreement

      among the experts. (4 分)

      ( 二) 將下列句子譯成英文 (7 分)

      78. 我們走得太匆忙了 , 結果忘了鎖門 。(3 分)

      79. 沒有你的幫助 ,我們在比賽中是不會得第一名的 。(4 分)

      00088# 基礎英語試題 第 8 頁( 共 8 頁)




    4月自考準考證打印還有 16








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